About Me
- Name: Tracy O
- Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA.
What would happen if those that contributed the most to the common good received the most remuneration? Do we need a worldwide truth commission? Do you believe we can feed the world?
Previous Posts
- Nano
- Why We Write
- Odilon Redon Sea
- Panther, Leroy Neiman
- Creating on the Edge of Chaos
- Gray WolfJohn Nieto
- Queen of SpadesPatricia Nix
- Morning GloryPatricia Nix
- Marc Chagall
- Reaction
Drink Lots of Water
Can not think of a different culture, for some things, will also share the same view!
Curious who the artist of this painting is? could you email me back and let me know? thanks! my email is
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